About the book

Are you writing a book set in Regency England? Do you want your English characters to sound English, authentically in period, and the setting to be recognizable as England?

Some readers don’t care much about accuracy, as long as the story is good. Others do care, and will leave bad reviews and put you on their ‘authors to avoid’ list if you get too many things wrong.

One problem all historical fiction authors share is not having lived during the time we are describing. But non-British authors also have the disadvantage of not being steeped in the language, culture and history of the country from birth. And we all have the problem of ‘you don’t know what you don’t know.’

This book aims to help authors to get the language and setting right, and also some of the historical aspects that often trip up authors (laws on marriage and divorce were very different then, for example). It can’t cover everything an author needs to know (that would require an encyclopedic scope), but it covers many topics about language, setting, and society where mistakes are commonly made and gives a good starting point for further research.

Writing Regency England is currently available in paperback only.



If you have already purchased the book, you’ll have noticed that the Resources sections at the ends of the chapters include a lot of weblinks. You can go to these by using a search engine and searching for some of the key words in the resource description, or with a code from the book you can download a free pdf of all the resources with clickable live links by following the instructions given here.